Seniors Fees Information

Even though you may have registered in the most recent season, the club requests that everyone completes the Five Dock Falcons Senior Registration Form so we can keep an accurate database of each season.

For those players who did not play in the most recent winter season, BA & Baseball NSW Capitation fees, plus the Club fee, will all be paid together directly by you via the GAMEDAY website.

For those players who played in the most recent summer season, capitation fees are not payable again. After your registration form has been processed, the Five Dock Falcons Treasurer will send you the details of the club bank account to complete this payment.

NOTE. The club will continue to offer discounts to coaches, students, pensioners and unemployed. Please contact either the President ( or Treasurer ( if you wish to claim a discount.



Registration fee for Summer 2024 is  $400

This fee is made up of  Baseball NSW Capitation fees         =   $75.69

Baseball Australia Capitation fee                                              =   $66.00

Club fee                                                                                            =  $258.31



No money is due until after the Muster, but no-one will be confirmed into a team until fees are paid in full.


Masters League.

There is no Master competition during winter.



What does it cost to put a senior player on the park in Summer 2024-25?

Capitation fees paid directly to Baseball NSW
Club Administration: $40.00
Equipment: $35.00
PCBL: $31.00
Park Hire: $20.00
Senior umpires: $97.50
Senior scorers: $82.50
TOTAL: $306.00

Any subsidy of these costs comes from donations, sale of caps and revenue from canteen sales.